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Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church - Ireland (JSOC Ireland)


Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church Ireland (JSOCIreland) is under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of His Holiness the Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, the Supreme Head of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church. All members are from Jacobite Syriac Christian Church in India, administered by the Catholicos of the East, His Beatitude Aboon Mor Baselios Thomas I. JSOC Ireland comprises of the Parishes and Congregations all over Republic of Ireland for the faithfulls from Malankara, who follow the Syriac Orthodox tradition. JSOC Ireland is administered by Patriarchal Vicar, His Grace Mor Milithios Yuhanon. The Church uses the Syriac language, a dialect of Aramaic spoken by Lord Jesus, as the Liturgical language along with English and Malayalam, a vernacular language of South India.


Untill 2008, churches in Ireland was under Patriarchal Vicariate of Europe. With the approval and the spiritual guidance of then patriarchal vicar H.G Dr.Kuriakose Mor Theophilose, the first Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Parish in Ireland was formed in 2005 as St Gregorios Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church, Dublin.


As the number of Jacobite Syrian Orthodox failthfulls increased in Ireland, in 2008, a seperate vicatiare was created for Ireland. His Grace Kuriakose Mor Dioscorose was appointed as the first Patriarchal vicar of Ireland. His Grace Kuriakose Mor Eusebius served as the Patriarchal Vicar of Ireland from 2011 to 2014.  His Grace Yuhanon Mor Meletheose was the Patriarchal Vicar of Ireland from  2014 to 2017


His Grace Thomas Mor Alexandrios Metropolitan is the current Patriarchal Vicar of Ireland.


Subsequently more parishes and spiritual organizations such as Sunday Schools , Youth Association Morth Mariam Vanitha Samajam, Student movement and Shushrushaka Sangam were formed for the faithful's. As of today, there are 11 parishes in Republic of Ireland. Please visit the churches page to know more about different parishes.

Patriarchal Vicar

H.G. Thomas Mor Alexandrios

Our Priests

Rev. Fr. Dr. Jobymon Skaria

Mobile - 087 631 5962

Rev. Fr. Jinu Kuruvilla

Mobile - 089 253 5391

 Rev. Fr. Jino Joseph

Mobile - 089 459 5016

Rev. Fr. Peter Varghese

Mobile - 089 402 6059

Rev.Fr. Bijoy Karukuzhiyil

Mobile - 089 424 9066

Rev. Fr. Bibin Babu

Mobile- 089 263 2985

Rev. Fr. Jeny Andrews

Mobile - 089 4495599

Former Patriarchal Vicars


H.G. Kuriakose Mor Theophilos


H.G. Kuriakose Mor Dioscorus

H.G. Kuriakose Mor Eusebius

H.G. Yuhanon Mor Milithios

Mathew mor Anthimos.jpg

H.G. Dr. Mathews Mor Anthimos

Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church Ireland is a registered charity in Ireland

Charities Regulatory Authority Ireland, Registered Charity Number: 20151058

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